Iranian Journal of Clinical Psychology

Volume 1, No 1, July 2012

The Official Journal of the University of Social Welfare and Rehabilition Sciences




Parvaneh Mohammadkhani, PhD

University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences



Alireza Jazayeri, PhD

University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences



Nahaleh Moshtagh Bidokhti, PhD

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

Shirin Sajjadi

Reza Seyed Nour, MD

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences


Parvaneh Mohammadkhani, PhD

University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

Mohammad Reza Khodaei, MD

University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

Leili Panaghi, MD

Shahid Beheshti University

Nahaleh Moshtagh Bidokhti, PhD

University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

Reza Saraefiani, PhD

University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

Marjan Poshtmashhadi, PhD

University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

Ameneh Setareh Forouzan, MD

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences


Parvaneh Mohammadkhani, PhD

University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

Behrooz Dowlatshahi, PhD

University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

Marjan Poshtmashhadi, PhD

University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

Ameneh Setareh Forouzan, MD

University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

Asghar Dadkhah, PhD

University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

Alireza Jazayeri, PhD

University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

Keith S. Dobson, PhD

University of Calgary, CA

Seyed Kazem AtefVahid, PhD

Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Abbas Pourshahbaz, PhD

University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

Nahaleh Moshtagh Bidokhti, PhD

University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

Azarakhsh Mokri, MD

Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Ladan Fata, PhD

Tehran University of Medical Sciences


Web Master

Masoud Shojaei

University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences


Instructions for Authors

 Iranian Journal of Clinical Psychology, the official journal of the Department of Clinical Psychology of University of social welfare and Rehabilitation sciences, is devoted to clinical psychology research. The contributions in IJCP represent the breadth of clinical psychology erudition in the scientific community featuring original research from diverse fields in clinical psychology including psychometrics and measurement, etiology, epidemiology, prevention, therapy, and rehabilitation in mental disorders. Original articles, review articles, and case reports are acceptable for IJCP.

Instruction for authors: documents should follow APA style. Each paper should have a Cover Letter to indicate that the materia1 is intended for publication and that all the authors have agreed to the content and submission of the manuscript, a Title page, abstract, text, and illustrations. Tables and figures should be numbered and included as separate sheets or files. References should be listed on separate pages following the text. They should be listed alphabetically by first author and should be numbered. The corresponding author of each article will receive up to 3 complimentary issues. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources.




Additional Psychiatric Symptoms and Response to Treatment in a Sample of

Iranian Recovered Depressed Patients

Parvaneh Mohammadkhani, Keith .S. Dobson, Fatemeh Hosseini  Ghafari, Marjan Poshtmashhadi


The Role of Social Support and Coping Mechanisms on Mental Health of

Women Suffering from Spouse Abuse

Leili Panaghi, Zohreh Ahmadabadi, Shahrbanoo Ghahari, Somayeh Mohammadi


The Relationship Between Attachment Styles, Marital Satisfaction and Sex Guilt

with Sexual Desire in Iranian Women

Negar Teimourpour, Nahaleh  Moshtagh Bidokhti, Abbas Pourshanbaz


Different Forms of Child Abuse and Maltreatment, Quality of Life and General

Health in Parents of Abused Children

Parvaneh Mohammadkhani, Ali Delavar, Mohammad-Reza Mohammadi, Marjan Poshtmashhadi


High Risk Behaviors Among Iranian Adolescents: Evaluating the Proportion of

Family Factors

Leili Panaghi, Somayeh Mohammadi, Marjan Poshtmashhadi, Ali Zademohammadi, Zohreh Ahmadabadi


Can School Connection Moderate the Impact of Violent Friends on Adolescents

Tendency to Violence

Zohreh Ahmadabadi, Marjan Poshtmashhadi, Leili Panaghi


The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management Training on

Glycemic Control, Psychological Distress and Quality of Life in People with Type2 Diabetes

Mohamad Hasan Davazdahemamy, Ali Mehrabi, Abbas Attari, Rasool Roshan


Group Narrative Therapy on Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy of Orphan Boys


Ali Zadehmohammadi, Alireza Abedi, fereshteh Mohammadi panah

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