ليست منابع انگليسي كتابخانه گروه روانشناسي باليني
1 |
2001 annual report of science - based prevention programs . 1 |
Drug national plan |
2 |
2001 annual report of science - based prevention programs .2 |
Drug national plan |
3 |
2002 final report on the 1998 national drug control strategy . Office of national drug control policy . |
Drug national plan |
4 |
5 th edition instructors manual by Glen mcglish and jacgueline bacon |
communication skills |
5 |
A social norms approach to preventing binge drinking at colleges and universities . |
alcohoal programme |
6 |
A cognitive - behavioral approach: treating cocaine addiction therapy for drug addiction - manual 1 - |
Manual drug treatment |
7 |
A guide to what works in family support services for vulnerable families . |
family therapy |
Addiction counseling competencies : the knowledge , skill , and attitudes of professional practice . |
Drug treatment |
9 |
Alcohol and drug abuse prevention : the national structured eveluation . |
Drug national plan |
10 |
Drug and Alcohol handbook : Acknowledgements |
manual for treat ment |
11 |
evaluation and treatment of patient with suicidal ideation |
suicide treatment |
12 |
Anger management therapy manual |
Treatment manual |
13 |
Anti domestic advocacy apvocacy resource manual |
Treatment manual |
14 |
Approaches to drug abuse counseling . |
Treatment manual |
15 |
Assessment in drug abuse |
Treatment manual |
16 |
Be real alcohol , A parents guide to raising drug - free -children . |
Treatment manual |
17 |
Best practice standards in the treatment of substance abuse disorders . |
Treatment manual |
18 |
Biological vulnerability to drug abuse . |
research on drug abuse |
19 |
cannabis youth treatment services . U.s department of health human services . |
Treatment manual |
20 |
determine prevention needs and assets |
drug assessment |
21 |
national house hold survey on drug addiction |
22 |
child physical and sexual abuse : guidelines for treatment . |
child abuse |
23 |
clinical guide for implementing relapse prevention therapy . |
Drug treatment |
24 |
cannabis youth treatment series volume 2 . |
Drug treatment |
25 |
cannabis youth treatment series volume 5. |
Drug treatment |
26 |
NHSDA instrument in drug abuse |
assessment and instrument in drug abuse research |
27 |
crisis intervention for teenagers - A family guide . |
Crisis intervention |
28 |
crisis intervention in child abuse and neglect . |
Crisis intervention |
29 |
Developing an integrated drug information system . |
Drug abuse planning |
30 |
Diagnostic and treatment guidelines on elder abuse and neglect . |
Elder abuse |
31 |
Domestic violence and violence related research resources |
resource book |
32 |
Drug abuse prevention for at risk groups |
Drug abuse prevention |
33 |
Drug abuse , treatment abuse , treatment evaluation : strategies , progress , and prospects . |
Drug abuse prevention |
34 |
parents drug abuse training manual scientific methods for prevention in drug abuse |
parent training |
35 |
Drug information systems : principles , structures and indicators . |
Drug abuse manual |
36 |
Environmental strategies for substance abuse prevention . |
Drug abuse prevention |
37 |
Evaluation of the national youth anti- drug media campaign : historical trends in drug use and design of the phase III evalution |
Drug media campaign |
38 |
Evidence based practice indicators for alcohol and other drug interventions . |
Druge abuse research |
39 |
Evidence based practice indicators for alcohol and other drug interventions . |
Druge abuse research |
40 |
Florida youth substance abuse survey brevard county report . |
Druge abuse survey |
41 |
From the centers clearing house a resource aid packet on Substance abuse . |
Druge abuse research book |
42 |
Global illicit drug trends 2002 . United nations office for drug control and crime prevention |
Druge abuse global report |
43 |
Guide to drug abuse Epidemiology . |
Druge abuse epidemiology |
44 |
Guidelines for the treatment of drug addiction . |
Druge abuse treatment manual |
45 |
Implementing seeking safety therapy for PTSD and substance abuse : clinical guidelines . Lisa M. Najavits, P.H.D |
Treatment manual |
46 |
lessons learned in drug abuse prevention : A global review. |
Drug abuse prevention manual |
47 |
life skill - based education for drug use prevention training manual |
life skills |
48 |
Marital satisfaction inventory , revised CMSI-RL . Douglas K. Snyder, P.h.D |
family assessment |
49 |
Mental health promotion amony young people |
mental health |
50 |
National evaluation data and technical assistance center . Clinical intake asessment in strument . |
Assessment survey |
51 |
National drug control strategy |
Drug strategy |
52 |
National institute on drug abuse research monograph series . |
Research on drug streatment |
53 |
National drug control strateay . |
Drug strategy |
54 |
National health service educational program for clinical and community issues in primary care . Substance abuse module |
treatment model |
55 |
National institute on drug Abuse research monograph series |
Research prevention |
56 |
National institute 30 years on drug abuse . John j. Boren and …. |
Drug counseling |
57 |
National institute on drug abuse monograph series . |
Drug treatment |
58 |
National sarvey of american attitudes on substance abuse VIII : teans and parents . |
Drug survey |
59 |
National survey of american attitades on substance abuse VII : teans , parents and siblings |
Drug survey |
60 |
NCAP . National center for the advancement of prevention . |
Need assessment |
61 |
Needs assessment work book 3 . |
Need assessment |
62 |
Needs assessment . Data report from the TBI question. |
Need assessment |
63 |
Panel reports public hearings , and participant acknowledgements . U.s department of health and human services . |
Drug therapy research |
64 |
parenting is prevention training of trainers workshop 1998 |
Research prevention for family |
65 |
part 2 evalution in context . |
evidence - base research |
66 |
Pharmaco therapy |
Drug treatment |
67 |
Preventing substance use problems amony youth : A literature review & recommendations . |
Prevention |
68 |
prevention research : determining drug abuse among childeren and adolescents . |
Prevention research |
69 |
Pride questionnaire report 2001 -2 national summary grades 6 through 12 . USA 1999 |
National surver |
70 |
Principles of drug addiction treatment . |
Drug treatment |
71 |
Promising strategies to reduce substance abuse . U.s department of justice |
Drug strategy |
72 |
Protecting children in substance abusing families . |
Drug prevention family |
73 |
Research - preventing adolescent drug abuse : intervention strategies |
Risk and protective factor |
74 |
Research - Behavioral intervention techniques in drug abuse treatment . |
treatment in drug abuse |
75 |
Research - drug abuse and the american adolescent . |
drug research in adolecent |
76 |
Research - drug and violence : causes , correlates and consequences . |
research on druge and violance |
77 |
Results from the 2001 national household survey on drug abuse : volume 1 .summary of national findings |
drug survey |
78 |
Risk and protection focused prevention framework . |
risk and protective factor |
79 |
safety and sobriety : best practices in domestic violence and substance abuse . Domestic violencel substance abuse inter disclplinary task force of the illinois department of human services . |
domestic violance and drug abuse |
80 |
science - based . Substance abuse prevention : A guide . |
prevention science basell |
81 |
science - based prevention programs and principles . |
prevention science basell |
82 |
search - APA on line . Site map . |
APA site MPA |
83 |
search - college alcohol risk assessment guide . |
Alcohoal assessment |
84 |
search - crisis intervention resource manual . |
Crisis intervention |
85 |
Search - Drug abuse dissertation . Epidemiology , PRI… |
druge abuse edidemition |
86 |
Search - focus group |
Focuse grop |
87 |
Search - publications |
drug publication |
88 |
Search - The national clearinghouse for alcohol and drug information . |
family violence prevention |
89 |
Search - Family violence prevention best practice . Guide . |
risk factor |
90 |
search - health .org |
protective factor |
91 |
search - teacher talk - resiliency . |
drug survey |
92 |
search . Ncb .intnet .mu/natresa/subcont.htm |
health drug |
93 |
Search - holistic-online .com |
drug technical assistant |
94 |
search technical assistance publication servies 21 - addiction technology transfer centers national curriculum committee . |
drug technical assistant |
95 |
search - The global growth network . |
youth perception of drug |
96 |
self direct learners guide . |
drug assessment prevent |
97 |
Sexual assault . American medical association . |
drug assessment prevent |
98 |
Sexual assault american medical association |
Drug treatment |
99 |
Strategies for research on the interactions of drugs of abuse . U.s department of health and human services . |
Drug prevention |
100 |
strengthening family involvement in school substance abuse prevention programs . karol l. kumpfer |
Drug prevention |
101 |
The national drug strategy : mapping the future . |
sterategy planning |
102 |
Drug prevention |
103 |
The healthy workplace u.s department of health and human services . |
Drug prevention |
104 |
The national clearinghouse for alcohol and drug information |
Drug prevention |
105 |
Treatment of drug - dependent individuals with comorbid mental disorders . |
Drug treatment |
106 |
U.s department of health and human services washington , D.C . |
Drug treatment |
107 |
A handbook for using pre- existing data in prevention planinig . |
Drug assessment |
108 |
What think substance dependence . World health organization |
Drug campainle |
109 |
Working with street children . |
Street children |
110 |
suicide assessment |
suicide prevention |
111 |
domestic violence |
treatment manual |
112 |
child abuse |
Drug treatmnt |
113 |
group therapy and substance abuse |
Drug assessment |
114 |
family therapy and substance abuse |
Drug assessment |
115 |
Drug abuse assessment |
Drug individual treatment |
116 |
Drug abuse treatment |
Drug individual treatment |
117 |
Drug abuse treatment |
Drug individual treatment |
118 |
Drug abuse treatment |
Drug individual treatment |
119 |
Domestic violence and substance abuse |
Drug abuse and violence treatment |
120 |
substance abuse treatment |
Adolescent treatment |
121 |
Drug abuse treatment adolescent |
Adolescent treatment |
122 |
Drug abuse and AIDS |
Drug abuse AIDS treatment |
123 |
Drug abuse miliue treatment |
Drug abuse treatment protocol |
124 |
Description of intervention plan |
suicide treatment |
125 |
Behavioral risk factor surveillance system state questionnaire |
Risk factor question |
126 |
practice guideline for the assessment and treatment of patients with suicidal behaviors |
suicide treatment |
127 |
Drug abuse treatment |
treatment protical |
128 |
Drug abuse treatment |
case management |
129 |
Drug abuse treatment |
simulant affect on brain |
130 |
older adults and substance abuse |
older adults and substance abuse |
131 |
Drug abuse and mental health |
Drug abuse and mental health |
132 |
Drug abuse assessment |
Drug abuse assessment |
133 |
Drug abuse treatment |
Drug abuse treatment |
134 |
Drug abuse at work place assessment question |
Drug abuse at work place assessment question |
135 |
substance abuse and primary care . |
substance abuse and primary care . |
136 |
National child protection clearing house |
child abuse prevention |
137 |
Mental health effects of family violence |
family violance prevention |
138 |
Administration for childeren families |
child abuse treatment |
139 |
identification assessment and intervention with victims of domestic violence |
family violence treatment |
140 |
child abuse and neglect |
child abuse treatment manual |
141 |
family violence assessment |
family violence assessment |
142 |
american psychiatric association |
PTSD - Treatment manual |
143 |
practice guidenline for the treatment of patients with borderline |
Personality treatment |
144 |
the socio - psychological foundations of milieu therapy with addicts |
Drug abuse treatment |
145 |
education |
child development skills |
146 |
education |
Personality growth |
147 |
education |
Handaling irritation |
148 |
education |
Dealing with suicide |
149 |
education |
child family boundries |
150 |
education |
problem solving |
151 |
education |
child sexual training |
152 |
education |
dealing with inner child |
153 |
education |
child behavior |
154 |
life skill |
life - skills |
155 |
abuse personality |
Personality treatment |
156 |
manual for couple therapy |
157 |
diagnostic and treatment guidelines on child sexual abuse . |
158 |
preventing adolescent drug abuse |
159 |
etiology of drug abuse |
160 |
Adolescent drug abuse clinical assessment and therapeutic |
161 |
life inventory life in partner abuse assessment |
162 |
drug treatment |
163 |
prevention of mental disorder |
164 |
child sexual abuse treatment guide |
165 |
marriage assessment and counsling |
166 |
anger manegement |
167 |
family and psycho ducational assessment . |
168 |
group therapy sexual behavior problems |
169 |
sexual self - assessment questionnaire |
170 |
national survey of parents and youth questionnaires for waves 1 and 2 |
171 |
guestionnaire lower mainland youth drug use survey |
questionnaire |
172 |
colorado youth survey |
173 |
drug identification and testing in the juvenile justice system |
ليست منابع انگليسي كتابخانه گروه روانشناسي باليني
1 |
2001 annual report of science - based prevention programs . 1 |
Drug national plan |
2 |
2001 annual report of science - based prevention programs .2 |
Drug national plan |
3 |
2002 final report on the 1998 national drug control strategy . Office of national drug control policy . |
Drug national plan |
4 |
5 th edition instructors manual by Glen mcglish and jacgueline bacon |
communication skills |
5 |
A social norms approach to preventing binge drinking at colleges and universities . |
alcohoal programme |
6 |
A cognitive - behavioral approach: treating cocaine addiction therapy for drug addiction - manual 1 - |
Manual drug treatment |
7 |
A guide to what works in family support services for vulnerable families . |
family therapy |
Addiction counseling competencies : the knowledge , skill , and attitudes of professional practice . |
Drug treatment |
9 |
Alcohol and drug abuse prevention : the national structured eveluation . |
Drug national plan |
10 |
Drug and Alcohol handbook : Acknowledgements |
manual for treat ment |
11 |
evaluation and treatment of patient with suicidal ideation |
suicide treatment |
12 |
Anger management therapy manual |
Treatment manual |
13 |
Anti domestic advocacy apvocacy resource manual |
Treatment manual |
14 |
Approaches to drug abuse counseling . |
Treatment manual |
15 |
Assessment in drug abuse |
Treatment manual |
16 |
Be real alcohol , A parents guide to raising drug - free -children . |
Treatment manual |
17 |
Best practice standards in the treatment of substance abuse disorders . |
Treatment manual |
18 |
Biological vulnerability to drug abuse . |
research on drug abuse |
19 |
cannabis youth treatment services . U.s department of health human services . |
Treatment manual |
20 |
determine prevention needs and assets |
drug assessment |
21 |
national house hold survey on drug addiction |
22 |
child physical and sexual abuse : guidelines for treatment . |
child abuse |
23 |
clinical guide for implementing relapse prevention therapy . |
Drug treatment |
24 |
cannabis youth treatment series volume 2 . |
Drug treatment |
25 |
cannabis youth treatment series volume 5. |
Drug treatment |
26 |
NHSDA instrument in drug abuse |
assessment and instrument in drug abuse research |
27 |
crisis intervention for teenagers - A family guide . |
Crisis intervention |
28 |
crisis intervention in child abuse and neglect . |
Crisis intervention |
29 |
Developing an integrated drug information system . |
Drug abuse planning |
30 |
Diagnostic and treatment guidelines on elder abuse and neglect . |
Elder abuse |
31 |
Domestic violence and violence related research resources |
resource book |
32 |
Drug abuse prevention for at risk groups |
Drug abuse prevention |
33 |
Drug abuse , treatment abuse , treatment evaluation : strategies , progress , and prospects . |
Drug abuse prevention |
34 |
parents drug abuse training manual scientific methods for prevention in drug abuse |
parent training |
35 |
Drug information systems : principles , structures and indicators . |
Drug abuse manual |
36 |
Environmental strategies for substance abuse prevention . |
Drug abuse prevention |
37 |
Evaluation of the national youth anti- drug media campaign : historical trends in drug use and design of the phase III evalution |
Drug media campaign |
38 |
Evidence based practice indicators for alcohol and other drug interventions . |
Druge abuse research |
39 |
Evidence based practice indicators for alcohol and other drug interventions . |
Druge abuse research |
40 |
Florida youth substance abuse survey brevard county report . |
Druge abuse survey |
41 |
From the centers clearing house a resource aid packet on Substance abuse . |
Druge abuse research book |
42 |
Global illicit drug trends 2002 . United nations office for drug control and crime prevention |
Druge abuse global report |
43 |
Guide to drug abuse Epidemiology . |
Druge abuse epidemiology |
44 |
Guidelines for the treatment of drug addiction . |
Druge abuse treatment manual |
45 |
Implementing seeking safety therapy for PTSD and substance abuse : clinical guidelines . Lisa M. Najavits, P.H.D |
Treatment manual |
46 |
lessons learned in drug abuse prevention : A global review. |
Drug abuse prevention manual |
47 |
life skill - based education for drug use prevention training manual |
life skills |
48 |
Marital satisfaction inventory , revised CMSI-RL . Douglas K. Snyder, P.h.D |
family assessment |
49 |
Mental health promotion amony young people |
mental health |
50 |
National evaluation data and technical assistance center . Clinical intake asessment in strument . |
Assessment survey |
51 |
National drug control strategy |
Drug strategy |
52 |
National institute on drug abuse research monograph series . |
Research on drug streatment |
53 |
National drug control strateay . |
Drug strategy |
54 |
National health service educational program for clinical and community issues in primary care . Substance abuse module |
treatment model |
55 |
National institute on drug Abuse research monograph series |
Research prevention |
56 |
National institute 30 years on drug abuse . John j. Boren and …. |
Drug counseling |
57 |
National institute on drug abuse monograph series . |
Drug treatment |
58 |
National sarvey of american attitudes on substance abuse VIII : teans and parents . |
Drug survey |
59 |
National survey of american attitades on substance abuse VII : teans , parents and siblings |
Drug survey |
60 |
NCAP . National center for the advancement of prevention . |
Need assessment |
61 |
Needs assessment work book 3 . |
Need assessment |
62 |
Needs assessment . Data report from the TBI question. |
Need assessment |
63 |
Panel reports public hearings , and participant acknowledgements . U.s department of health and human services . |
Drug therapy research |
64 |
parenting is prevention training of trainers workshop 1998 |
Research prevention for family |
65 |
part 2 evalution in context . |
evidence - base research |
66 |
Pharmaco therapy |
Drug treatment |
67 |
Preventing substance use problems amony youth : A literature review & recommendations . |
Prevention |
68 |
prevention research : determining drug abuse among childeren and adolescents . |
Prevention research |
69 |
Pride questionnaire report 2001 -2 national summary grades 6 through 12 . USA 1999 |
National surver |
70 |
Principles of drug addiction treatment . |
Drug treatment |
71 |
Promising strategies to reduce substance abuse . U.s department of justice |
Drug strategy |
72 |
Protecting children in substance abusing families . |
Drug prevention family |
73 |
Research - preventing adolescent drug abuse : intervention strategies |
Risk and protective factor |
74 |
Research - Behavioral intervention techniques in drug abuse treatment . |
treatment in drug abuse |
75 |
Research - drug abuse and the american adolescent . |
drug research in adolecent |
76 |
Research - drug and violence : causes , correlates and consequences . |
research on druge and violance |
77 |
Results from the 2001 national household survey on drug abuse : volume 1 .summary of national findings |
drug survey |
78 |
Risk and protection focused prevention framework . |
risk and protective factor |
79 |
safety and sobriety : best practices in domestic violence and substance abuse . Domestic violencel substance abuse inter disclplinary task force of the illinois department of human services . |
domestic violance and drug abuse |
80 |
science - based . Substance abuse prevention : A guide . |
prevention science basell |
81 |
science - based prevention programs and principles . |
prevention science basell |
82 |
search - APA on line . Site map . |
APA site MPA |
83 |
search - college alcohol risk assessment guide . |
Alcohoal assessment |
84 |
search - crisis intervention resource manual . |
Crisis intervention |
85 |
Search - Drug abuse dissertation . Epidemiology , PRI… |
druge abuse edidemition |
86 |
Search - focus group |
Focuse grop |
87 |
Search - publications |
drug publication |
88 |
Search - The national clearinghouse for alcohol and drug information . |
family violence prevention |
89 |
Search - Family violence prevention best practice . Guide . |
risk factor |
90 |
search - health .org |
protective factor |
91 |
search - teacher talk - resiliency . |
drug survey |
92 |
search . Ncb .intnet .mu/natresa/subcont.htm |
health drug |
93 |
Search - holistic-online .com |
drug technical assistant |
94 |
search technical assistance publication servies 21 - addiction technology transfer centers national curriculum committee . |
drug technical assistant |
95 |
search - The global growth network . |
youth perception of drug |
96 |
self direct learners guide . |
drug assessment prevent |
97 |
Sexual assault . American medical association . |
drug assessment prevent |
98 |
Sexual assault american medical association |
Drug treatment |
99 |
Strategies for research on the interactions of drugs of abuse . U.s department of health and human services . |
Drug prevention |
100 |
strengthening family involvement in school substance abuse prevention programs . karol l. kumpfer |
Drug prevention |
101 |
The national drug strategy : mapping the future . |
sterategy planning |
102 |
Drug prevention |
103 |
The healthy workplace u.s department of health and human services . |
Drug prevention |
104 |
The national clearinghouse for alcohol and drug information |
Drug prevention |
105 |
Treatment of drug - dependent individuals with comorbid mental disorders . |
Drug treatment |
106 |
U.s department of health and human services washington , D.C . |
Drug treatment |
107 |
A handbook for using pre- existing data in prevention planinig . |
Drug assessment |
108 |
What think substance dependence . World health organization |
Drug campainle |
109 |
Working with street children . |
Street children |
110 |
suicide assessment |
suicide prevention |
111 |
domestic violence |
treatment manual |
112 |
child abuse |
Drug treatmnt |
113 |
group therapy and substance abuse |
Drug assessment |
114 |
family therapy and substance abuse |
Drug assessment |
115 |
Drug abuse assessment |
Drug individual treatment |
116 |
Drug abuse treatment |
Drug individual treatment |
117 |
Drug abuse treatment |
Drug individual treatment |
118 |
Drug abuse treatment |
Drug individual treatment |
119 |
Domestic violence and substance abuse |
Drug abuse and violence treatment |
120 |
substance abuse treatment |
Adolescent treatment |
121 |
Drug abuse treatment adolescent |
Adolescent treatment |
122 |
Drug abuse and AIDS |
Drug abuse AIDS treatment |
123 |
Drug abuse miliue treatment |
Drug abuse treatment protocol |
124 |
Description of intervention plan |
suicide treatment |
125 |
Behavioral risk factor surveillance system state questionnaire |
Risk factor question |
126 |
practice guideline for the assessment and treatment of patients with suicidal behaviors |
suicide treatment |
127 |
Drug abuse treatment |
treatment protical |
128 |
Drug abuse treatment |
case management |
129 |
Drug abuse treatment |
simulant affect on brain |
130 |
older adults and substance abuse |
older adults and substance abuse |
131 |
Drug abuse and mental health |
Drug abuse and mental health |
132 |
Drug abuse assessment |
Drug abuse assessment |
133 |
Drug abuse treatment |
Drug abuse treatment |
134 |
Drug abuse at work place assessment question |
Drug abuse at work place assessment question |
135 |
substance abuse and primary care . |
substance abuse and primary care . |
136 |
National child protection clearing house |
child abuse prevention |
137 |
Mental health effects of family violence |
family violance prevention |
138 |
Administration for childeren families |
child abuse treatment |
139 |
identification assessment and intervention with victims of domestic violence |
family violence treatment |
140 |
child abuse and neglect |
child abuse treatment manual |
141 |
family violence assessment |
family violence assessment |
142 |
american psychiatric association |
PTSD - Treatment manual |
143 |
practice guidenline for the treatment of patients with borderline |
Personality treatment |
144 |
the socio - psychological foundations of milieu therapy with addicts |
Drug abuse treatment |
145 |
education |
child development skills |
146 |
education |
Personality growth |
147 |
education |
Handaling irritation |
148 |
education |
Dealing with suicide |
149 |
education |
child family boundries |
150 |
education |
problem solving |
151 |
education |
child sexual training |
152 |
education |
dealing with inner child |
153 |
education |
child behavior |
154 |
life skill |
life - skills |
155 |
abuse personality |
Personality treatment |
156 |
manual for couple therapy |
157 |
diagnostic and treatment guidelines on child sexual abuse . |
158 |
preventing adolescent drug abuse |
159 |
etiology of drug abuse |
160 |
Adolescent drug abuse clinical assessment and therapeutic |
161 |
life inventory life in partner abuse assessment |
162 |
drug treatment |
163 |
prevention of mental disorder |
164 |
child sexual abuse treatment guide |
165 |
marriage assessment and counsling |
166 |
anger manegement |
167 |
family and psycho ducational assessment . |
168 |
group therapy sexual behavior problems |
169 |
sexual self - assessment questionnaire |
170 |
national survey of parents and youth questionnaires for waves 1 and 2 |
171 |
guestionnaire lower mainland youth drug use survey |
questionnaire |
172 |
colorado youth survey |
173 |
drug identification and testing in the juvenile justice system |
انتخاب حالت کور رنگی
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